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Welcome to The Art of Dreaming Awake
My name is Sarah, I am an artist, teacher and a conscious dream practitioner. My mission is to help people reconnect to their nighttime dreams as a way to develop greater self awareness, overcome nightmares and sleep paralysis, enhance creativity and to learn the art of conscious/lucid dreaming.
Since childhood, I often find myself fully aware that I am dreaming and able to have a conscious interaction within the dream. This is not necessarily an uncommon phenomena but quite often as we grow older this lucid dreaming ability can fade or we can end up not remembering our dreams at all. This awareness in dreaming comes in waves depending on what is happening in my life and I have discovered that I can work to reactivate this ability through practice.
In my early 30's I started having spontaneous experiences where I would fall asleep with full awareness and I wasn't sure what was happening as these experiences were also coupled with sleep paralysis and false awakenings, often 3-4 times waking into another dream. This led me on a journey of research and discovery, looking into ancient dream practices and discovering that these experiences were recognised and encouraged states in which to grow and develop awareness. For me this was happening randomly and spontaneously so I decided to see if I could train myself to induce these states at will. I embarked on a journey to develop a disciplined meditation practice and specific daily yoga practice only to discover that indeed, it is possible to consciously induce these states of awareness within the dream.
These incredible dream experiences have always delighted and fascinated me and increase my sense of well-being and joy. I have explored and used the realm of dreaming to inspire my creative practice as a professional artist and designer for over 15 years of my career. My dreams have helped me solve creative design problems, face my darkest fears, solve relationship problems, raising awareness of my unconscious patterns and beliefs and often offer solutions and a space to rehearse certain new ways of being in waking. More importantly, to have fun when I need it most, rehearse incredible dance moves and roller skating stunts that defy gravity. This is an experience of true joy and liberation and I aim to help others experience this kind of relationship with dreaming too, if they choose.
Through this journey I have learnt a new language, the language of my dreams. Because I have observed and experienced the transformative power of dreaming, I have dedicated my time to creating and offering some unique online dream workshops, seminars and creative dreaming retreats.
These courses focus on ways to activate dream recall, developing a relationship with the dream, learning the language of dreaming and learning practical exercises to work consciously with dreaming. I merge my own personal experiences of dreaming with techniques practiced from many different places around the world and gained a lot of insight and understanding about my experiences from various teachers and current researchers in the field of dreaming, combined with information and experiences from the dream state itself.

New Dream Journals available!