Coming soon...

Autumn Equinox 2023
Dreaming the Balance: A Deep Relaxation and Community Dreaming Event
We live in troubled times. Personal troubles, collective troubles, planetary troubles.
In the past, in troubled times, communities would come together and seek their own guidance to help find their way through. They would do this in ways that the modern Western world has largely forgotten. One of those ways was through paying attention to their dreams during sleep and the altered states that arise through deep relaxation.
Artists Louisa Chase and Sarah Jane Palmer believe it is time to remember. Time to return to listening to our dreams. Time to seek guidance at the time of Equinox and Dream the Balance. Time to drop into deep relaxation together. Time to settle our nervous systems through being together in safe spaces. Join us at x-church for a shared participatory exploration of dreaming.
This event is in 3 parts.
Your ticket covers you to attend all 3 parts if you choose to. Tickets are by donation so that no-one is excluded based on ability to pay. Please pay what you can genuinely afford.
Part 1 - Saturday evening 6-8pm
You will arrive into a specially-prepared space. There will be the option of participating in a ritual with Mugwort grown by Sarah. Mugwort is a traditional British healing plant which is highly supportive for dreaming (not advised if pregnant). Then Sarah will lead us in a deep relaxation Yoga Nidra session, using specially-composed music to support deep rest. After this session you have the option to go home to your usual bed (paying attention to any dreams you may have and perhaps returning in the morning for Part 3), or you can stay on at x-church and join us for Part 2.
Part 2 - Saturday overnight
We will be sleeping in the x-church space as a group. This is a practice that many cultures around the world still have. Bring your camping mattress or camp bed and bedding and settle down for the night in a safe space to dream together.
Part 3 - Sunday morning, 9-11am
We will gather together in the morning at 9am for a dream circle to gently share our dreams and experiences in a space of deep listening. Those who chose to go home to sleep are invited to come back and join us for Part 3 and share any dreams or experiences they had during the night at home.
Dreaming the Balance is a collaboration between multi-disciplinary artist and dreaming teacher Sarah Jane Palmer and x-church resident artist Louisa Chase. The two met in 2022 whilst staying at a farmhouse beside Arbor Low Stone circle in Derbyshire for the summer solstice, and both knew that they would end up working together.
What to bring
A yoga or camping mat, blanket and cushion if you have them (some can be provided - please let us know in advance so we know how many to bring).
A notebook/journal and something to write/draw with if you wish to record any dreams or experiences.
Warm clothes/layers.
Warm bedding, pillow, and a camping mattress/camp bed if you are staying overnight. You might like to bring a hot water bottle too if weather is chilly!
Plate of food to share for supper if staying overnight (if you are able - no obligation).
We will provide warm drinks and a simple breakfast. Please bring anything you need for special dietary needs. A fridge will be available.